Lectors assist at Mass by reading some of the scriptural texts for Sunday Mass along with the weekly prayer intentions. Lectors receive a brief training session, and operate on a rotating schedule.
If interested, contact Father Milless at 612-729-7344 or [email protected].
July 20, 2024 - September 15, 2024 Schedule
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the presiding priest at Mass in distributing communion to the faithful. These ministers receive a brief training session, and operate on a rotating schedule.
If interested, contact Father Milless at 612-729-7344 or [email protected].
Ushers assist with the collection at Mass and also with a few logistics before and after Mass. If someone has special needs with seating, the ushers can help out with this as well.
Interested persons should contact John Sondag at 612-729-7321.
Sacristy Aides clean the Church Sanctuary and launder the Church linens. There are six groups of sacristy aids who rotate duties. Each group is assigned about eight times throughout the year to clean the Church sanctuary once a week. There is also one volunteer who cleans the Church linens once a week for a month.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the parish office at 612-729-7344 or [email protected].
Saint Helena has severeal volunteer opportunities around funeral ministry which help to support and minister to families of the deceased who celebrate funerals at our parish.